Sunday School
Sundays 11:00am | In-Person
God commands us to love one another as God loves us. We hear this in Scripture through stories, God’s laws requiring care and concern for the poor and needy, loving and embracing of the stranger, and the demands of love for one another by Jesus.
Sunday School classes for all ages will study these principles via Zoom ONLY, Sundays, at 10:15am.
Books are available in the church office today and Thursdays from 11:30am to 3:30pm
Please send us a message on our social media pages, email us at secbapt@sbcglobal.net or call the church office for the information for weekly classes.
Happening Now| Hybrid
The mission of the Second Baptist Christian Leadership Institute is to provide opportunities for participants to grow spiritually through the study of God's Word, and to equip participants to become effective teachers of God's Word. The Second Baptist Christian Leadership Institute was established in 2011 as a Christian Leadership School, accredited by the Division of Christian Education Accreditation and Credentials of the Sunday School Publishing Board, in collaboration with the National Baptist Convention, U.S>A., Inc. and the American Baptist College. All instructors in the school are certified and come form a variety of experiences and expertise.
The Courses offered in the Second Baptist Christian Leadership Institute lead to a Certificate of Progress Program (COPP) and may be taken in conjunction with the Saginaw Vally Baptist District Congress of Christian Education, the Wolverine State Congress of Christian Education, the Baptist Missionary and Educational Congress of Christian Education, and the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education.
Students who complete Phase I may become certified to teach at the local and state congress levels by taking courses 2023 Creative Ways of Teaching, and 9008 Public Speaking.